GC Aviation: Maintenance Records Review
As an owner, lessor or Lessee you should be aware that historical aircraft maintenance records are required by the FAA to be properly maintained and updated as required. Federal Aviation Regulations Section 91.417 (a) (1):
The records must include -
A description (or reference to data acceptable to the Administrator) of the work performed; and
The date of completion of the work performed; and
The signature and certificate number of the person approving the aircraft for return to service. GC Aviation, Inc. can assist to insure that as the owner, lessor or lessee you have all the required documentation.
GC Aviation, Inc. can:
Integrate the technical on-site representative along with the completed work scope into your requested format.
Assist your company in putting together a technical package to show potential customers your aircraft and or engines.
Complete a pre-purchase inspection of the historical Aircraft and or Engine records.
Integrate your newly purchased Aircraft or Engine into the record format your company presently utilizes.